Akcija solidarnosti kolegâ iz Hamburga
Kolege iz njemačkog grada Hamburga ovoga su tjedna, u znak solidarnosti s hrvatskim kolegama i kolegicama, poduzeli protestnu akciju pred hrvatskom ambasadom, o čemu nam pišu u sljedećem pismu:
Yesterday we entered the Croatian consulate in Hamburg with around 10 people and one banner with the slogan “One world – one struggle – education is not for sale” in english and croatian. Also, we distributed a flyer with your petition in german, croatian and english as well to the people in the embassy as to people outside. The consul was not there at the moment – they told us that he is at vacation for two weeks now. Well – I personally would not believe them but since we did not want to do a stronger action we just discussed with the people who were present at the moment and it seems like they do not know much about what is happening in Croatia at the moment. At least not what’s happening at the universities. All in all they were totally surprised by our action of solidarity and assured us that they will tell the minister of foreign affairs about that we were there.
Solidarity is a weapon we have to use!
Your struggle is our struggle!
Steffie Streik
*as we have read about your movement, we understand it as absolutely peaceful and so we don’t know how far we can go in solidarity with you.