22. svibnja 2009.
Podrška Alexa Callinicosa
To the students of the Philosophy Faculty
I happen to be visiting Zagreb and I want to take this opportunity to express my admiration for and solidarity with your struggle. All over Europe we are having to resist the marketization of education. The stand you have taken is magnificent. We have to see what we are fighting against as a consequence not merely of the neoliberal effort to turn everything into a market. Faced with the global economic and financial governments are seeking to punish, not the bankers who precipitated it, but ordinary working people and the public services they use. Many British universities, including my own, are facing cuts in jobs and courses. The only possible response is resistance. What you have been doing is very important. I wish you every success in your struggle.
In solidarity,
Alex Callinicos,
Professor of European Studies,
King’s College London
King’s College London