Podrška Judith Butler!
I am sorry not to be able to come there directly to address the students and to provide my support in person. But please know that I support your efforts and hope that you have success. This is an important moment to oppose the decimation of the social welfare estate, especially its impact on educational institutions, as well as the rise of neo-liberal calculations in relation to university life. Students are threatened with becoming an acutely ‘precarious’ population, exposed to poverty, debt, and lack of educational opportunities. Please accept my strong support for your brave and just actions.
Judith Butler
Žao mi je što ne mogu doći izravno k Vama kako bih se obratila student/icama, osobno im pružajući podršku. Ali, molim Vas, znajte da podržavam vaše napore i nadam se da ćete biti uspješni. Ovo je jedan važan trenutak za sučeljavanje s desetkovanjem dobara društvenog blagostanja, napose s njegovim utjecajem na obrazovne institucije, kao i s porastom neoliberalnih kalkulacija u odnosu spram sveučilišnog života. Studenti/ce su pod prijetnjom postajanja izrazito ‘nezaštićenom’ populacijom, izloženom siromaštvu, dugovima i manjku obrazovnih mogućnosti. Molim Vas, prihvatite moju snažnu podršku za Vaše hrabro i pravedno djelovanje.