Otvoreno pismo
24. studenoga 2010.
Britanski profesori: Borit ćemo sa studentima protiv školarina
Objavljujemo otvoreno pismo podrške profesora prosvjedima britanskih studenata i učenika protiv podizanja školarina u Engleskoj objavljeno u Guardianu 22. studenog 2010. O studentskim prosvjedima u Engleskoj ove jeseni smo već objavili prijevod teksta Richarda Seymoura Kralj Sunce i ja te prijevod teksta iz Socialist Workera.
Borit ćemo sa studentima protiv školarina
Podržavamo dan protesta protiv školarina u srijedu, nastavak veličanstvenih demonstracija studenata, učenika i profesora od 10. studenog. U potpunosti se protivimo uništenju svima dostupnog, kritičkog obrazovanja koje bi trebalo biti zamijenjeno obrazovanjem za tržište što ga veliča izvješće lorda Brownea. Branimo ne samo svoje poslove, nego i vrijednosti koje su nas privukle visokom obrazovanju, a koje održavaju značaj obrazovanja za društvo u cjelini. Prijedlog vladajuće koalicije da se srežu izdvajanja za umjetničke studije, društvene znanosti i humanistiku prijeti nam gubitkom ne samo generacije umjetnika (izvješće od 15. studenog) nego i generacije kritičkih i kreativnih mislilaca.
Planirano povećanje školarinâ praktično znači ukidanje visokog obrazovanja za radne ljude (i, prema Institutu za fiskalne studije, neznatne uštede za porezne obveznike). Ukidanje stipendijâ za životne troškove i školovanje odraslih prokazuje neistinitost tvrdnji vladajuće koalicije da će oni s nižim prihodima i dalje imati pristup visokom obrazovanju – takvi studenti zapravo neće uopće biti u mogućnosti ostati u sustavu obrazovanja nakon što navrše 16 pa tako ni steći kvalifikacije potrebne za pristup višem ili visokom obrazovanju. Koalicija nema ovlasti da nametne takvu klasnu vladavinu temeljenu na ideologiji – gnjev studenata stoga ne iznenađuje. Namjeravamo se boriti s njima u svojim ustanovama kako bismo obranili društvene znanosti, humanistiku i umjetničke studije te zaštitili visoko i više obrazovanje dostupno svima.
Dr Sian Moore, London Metropolitan University
Dr Hazel Conley, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Harriet Bradley, University of Bristol
Professor Heaven Crawley, Swansea University
Professor Ian Haywood, Roehampton University
Professor Richard Hyman, London School of Economics
Professor John Kelly, Birkbeck College
Professor Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University
Professor Miguel Martinez Lucio, University of Manchester
Professor Mustafa Ozbilgin, University of East Anglia
Professor Anna Pollert, University of the West of England
Professor Mark Stuart, University of Leeds
Professor John Hutnyk, Goldsmiths, University of London
Professor Linda Clarke, University of Westminster
Professor Stephen Bach, Kings College London
Professor Geraldine Healy, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Paul Stewart, University of Strathclyde
Professor Philip Taylor, University of Strathclyde
Professor Steve Tombs, Liverpool John Moores University
Professor Martin Upchurch, Middlesex University
Sue Abbott, Northumbria University
Dr Brian Abbott, Kingston University
Adefemi Adekunle, University College London
Dr T L Akehurst, University of Sussex
Dr Sarah Amsler, Aston University
Alexander Anievas, University of Cambridge
Dr Rachel Annand, Keele University
Pura Ariza, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr. Kye Askins, University of Northumbria
Dr Maurizio Atzeni, Loughborough University
Chris Baldry, Emeritus Professor, University of Stirling
Dr Giles Barrett, Liverpool John Moores University
Dr David Beale, The University of Manchester
Dr Vanessa Beck, University of Leicester
Dr. Paul Benneworth, University of Twente
Dr Amanda Bingley, Lancaster University
Dr Paul Blackledge, Leeds Metropolitan University
Kate Botterill, University of Newcastle
Dr Mark Bould, University of the West of England
Dr Peter Broks, University of the West of England
Paul Brook, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Gavin Butt, Goldsmiths, University of London
Anna Buehring, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Iona Byford, University of Portsmouth
Liam Campling, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Bob Carter, De Monfort University
Dr Wun Fung Chan, University of Strathclyde
Dr Andy Charlwood, University of York
Dr Simon Choat, Kingston University
Michael Coates, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Fiona Colgan, London Metropolitan University
Peter Conlin, Concordia University
Dr Heather Connolly, University of Warwick
Ian Cook, Emeritus Professor, Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Jennifer Cooke, Loughborough University
Dr Vickie Cooper, Liverpool John Moores University
Peter Cressey, University of Bath
Dr Charlotte Crofts, University of the West of England
Dr Patrick Crogan, University of the West of England
Dr Andrew Cumbers, University of Glasgow
Rowland Curtis, Queen Mary University of London
Gareth Dale, Brunel University
Professor Andrew Danford, University of the West of England
Roberto Daniele, Oxford Brookes University
Sadhvi Dar, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Ralph Darlington, University of Salford
Kate Dashper, Leeds Metropolitan University
Steve Davies, Cardiff University
Dr Jonathan S. Davies, University of Warwick
Professor Mary Davis, former London Metropolitan University
Katy Day, Leeds Metropolitan University
Pat Devine, University of Manchester
Dr. Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, University of Bath
Kate Driscoll Derickson, University of Glasgow
Ivy Doherty, Leeds Metropolitan University
Emma Dowling, Queen Mary University of London
Fernando Durán-Palma, University of Westminster
Dr Peter Dwyer, Ruskin College Oxford
Nadine El-Enany, Brunel University
Dr Vaughan Ellis, Edinburgh Napier University
Alan Fair, Manchester Metropolitan University
Aidan Farrow, Bristol University
Ian Fitzgerald, University of Northumbria
Suzy Fitzpatrick, Manchester Metropolitan University
Professor Steve Fleetwood, University of the West of England
Chris Forde, University of Leeds
Dr Debbie Foster, Cardiff University
Dr Carlos Frade, University of Salford
Dr Des Freedman, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Isabelle Fremeaux, Birkbeck College, University of London
Dr Steve French, Keele University
Dr Rosalind Galt, University of Sussex
Manuela Galetto, University of Warwick
Dr. Judie Gannon, Oxford Brookes University
Dr Kathrina Glitre, University of the West of England
Professor Gregor Gall, University of Hertfordshire
Dr Jay Ginn, Visiting Professor, Kings College London
Dr Andrew Goffey, Middlesex University
Dr Michael Gold, Royal Holloway University of London
Dr Sara Gonzalez, University of Leeds
Jo Grady, University of Leicester
David Graeber, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Elspeth Graham, Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Ian Greenwood, University of Leeds
Dr Ian Greer, University of Leeds
Gavin Grindon, Kingston University of London
Dr Chris Grocott, University of Birmingham
Dr. Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick, Birkbeck College
Dr Keith Halfacree, Swansea University
Joe Hall, University of Hull
Stephen Hall, University of Hull
Dr. Anita Hammer, De Montfort University
Dr Nikolaus Hammer, University of Leicester
Dr Enda Hannon, Kingston University
Dr Suzanne Hanson, Leeds Metropolitan University
Dr Kate Hardy, University of Leeds
Dr David Harvie, University of Leicester
Dr Marco Hauptmeier, Cardiff University
Rebecca Hawkins, Oxford Brookes University
Michelle Henning, University of the West of England
Dr Leroi Henry, London Metropolitan University
Professor Dave Hill, Universities of Middlesex, Athens and Limerick
Donald Hislop, Loughborough University
Dr Stuart Hodkinson, University of Leeds
Dr Kerry Holden, King’s College London
Dr Jane Holgate, University of Leeds
Jim Hollinshead, Liverpool John Moores University
Andrew G. Holmes, University of Hull
Dr Richard Hornsey, University of the West of England
Phil Hubbard, University of Kent
Malcolm Hughes, University of the West of England
Dr. Margo Huxley, Queen Mary University of London
Jeff Hyman, Emeritus Professor, University of Aberdeen
Anthony Ince, University of Glasgow
Ruza Ivanovic, University of Bristol
Dr Al James, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Dr Joern Janssen, European Institute for Construction Labour Research
Professor Steve Jefferys, London Metropolitan University
Anne Jones, Manchester Metropolitan University
Derek Jones, Queen Mary University of London
Kevin Jones, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Lee Jones, Queen Mary, University of London
Antonios Kalyvas, Bournemouth University
Dr Anja Kanngieser, Birkbeck College, University of London
Dr Marika Karanassou, Queen Mary, University of London
Brian Kelly, London Metropolitan University and BECTU
Jane Kelly, former Kingston University
Dr Andrew Kennedy, School of Oriental and African Studies
Andy Kilmister, Oxford Brookes University
Professor Gill Kirton, Queen Mary University of London
Eleanor Kirk, University of Strathclyde
Dr Astrid Köhler, Queen Mary University of London
Stathis Kouvelakis, Kings College London
Lefteris Kretsos, University of Coventry
Maeve Landman, University of the West of England
David Landy, Lancaster University
Andrew Lapworth, University of Bristol
Dr Alex Law, University of Abertay Dundee
Michael Lawrence, University of the West of England
Sue Ledwith, Ruskin College, Oxford
Dr Les Levidow, Open University
Dr Jason Lim, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Ben Little, Middlesex University
Dr Jo Littler, Middlesex University
Dr Michael Loughlin, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Dave Lyddon, Keele University
Dr Samantha Lynch, University of Kent
Professor Robert MacKenzie, University of Leeds
Dr Rachel Malik, Middlesex University
Matteo Mandarini, Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Abigail Marks, Heriot-Watt University
Dr. Pauline Marne, Liverpool John Moores University
Professor Jon May, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Larch Maxey, Swansea University
Honor McAdam, University of Strathclyde
Dr Jo McBride, Bradford University
Dr Patricia McCafferty, University of Strathclyde
Teresa McConlogue, Queen Mary, University of London
Des McDermott, Ruskin College Oxford
Dr Colin McFarlane, Durham University
Dr Patrick McGovern, London School of Economics
Peter McGunnigle, Oxford Brookes University
Professor Sonia McKay, London Metropolitan University
Dr Laura McMahon, University of Cambridge
Dr Chris McWilliams, Heriot Watt University
Dr Guglielmo Meardi, University of Warwick
Janine Melvin, Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Shamira A. Meghani, University of Sussex
Dr Paula Meth, University of Sheffield
Naomi Millner, Bristol University
Dr Gerry Mooney, Open University
Dr. Phoebe Moore, University of Salford
Mr. Jim Morrissey, Queen Mary, University of London
Nigel Morter, London Metropolitan University
Professor Michael Muller-Camen, Middlesex University
Ealasaid Munro, University of Edinburgh
Simon Mussell, University of Sussex
Dr Stephen Mustchin, University of Manchester
Dr Vlad Mykhnenko, University of Nottingham
Dave Napier, London Metropolitan University
Dr David Nash, Cardiff University
Dr Corinne Nativel, University of Franche-Comté
Dr Anoop Nayak, Newcastle University
Dr. Martyn Nightingale, Liverpool John Moores University
Peter North, University of Liverpool
Paolo Novak, School of Oriental and African Studies
Mario Novelli, University of Sussex
Phil O’Keefe, University of Northumbria
Dr Wendy Olsen, University of Manchester
Dr. Ozlem Onaran, Middlesex University
Dr. Iliana Ortega-Alcazar, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Alan Patterson, Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Andrew Perchard, University of Strathclyde
Dr Jenny Pickerill, University of Leicester
Dr David Pinder, Queen Mary, University of London
Constantina Papoulias, Middlesex University
Professor Ian Parker, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Elke Pioch, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dave Procter, Leeds Metropolitan University
Dr Peter Prowse, Bradford University
Dr. Valeria Pulignano, Leuven University, Belgium
Dr Sujith Puthiyaveetil, Queen Mary, University of London
Michael Pye, University of Hertfordshire
Hugo Radice, University of Leeds
Jessica Rapson, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Helen Richardson, University of Salford
Dr Michael Richardson, University of the West of England
Sarah Riley, University of Bath
Dr John Roberts, Brunel University
Dr Olga Rodriguez Falcon, Southampton Solent University
Simon Rose, University of East London
Cilla Ross, London Metropolitan University
Richard Ross, London Metropolitan University
Dr. Paul Routledge, University of Glasgow
Alan J Ryan, De Montfort University
Juliet Rufford, University of Reading
Alessia Ruggiero, Sheffield Hallam University
Devi Sacchetto, University of Padova
Navjit Sagoo, University of Bristol
Donald Sassoon, Queen Mary, University of London
Rick Saull, Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Susan Sayce, University of East Anglia
Gregory Schwartz, University of Bath
Dr Peter Scott, University of Portsmouth
Dr Cristian Serdean, De Montfort University
Ruth Sharpe, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Debra Shaw, University of East London
Dr Melanie Simms, University of Warwick
Dr. Charikleia Sinani, Leeds Metropolitan University
Dr Sally Skaife, Goldsmiths University of London
Dr Andrew Smith, University of East of London
Dr Fiona M. Smith, University of Dundee
Nick Soucek, University of Bristol
Dr Andrew Sparks, De Montfort University
Dr Adam Spiers, University of Bristol
Dr Justin Spinney, University of East London
Professor Martin Stanton, Roehampton University
Ali Riza Taskale, University of Sheffield
Atu Tatli, Queen Mary, University of London
Hillel Ticktin, Emeritus Professor University of Glasgow
Matt Todd, Oxford Brookes University
Dr Mark Toogood, University of Central Lancashire
Alberto Toscano, Goldsmiths, University of London
Mick Totten, Leeds Metropolitan University
Dr Ian Towers, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht, Berlin
Dr. Judith Tsouvalis, Lancaster University
Dr Alan Tuckman, Nottingham Trent University
Dr Mandy Turner, University of Bradford
Georgie Urry, University of Bristol
Dr Steve Vincent, University of Leeds
Dr. Horen Voskeritsian, Business College of Athens
Dr Jenny van Hooff, Liverpool John Moores University
Henk van Houtum, Radboud University, Nijmegen,
Diana Velada, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Matt Vidal, King’s College London
Daniel Vulliamy, University of Hull
Dr John G Walker, Ruskin College, Oxford
Victoria Wass, Cardiff University
Professor Andrew Watterson, University of Stirling
Professor Michael Wayne, Brunel University
Jeffery R. Webber, Queen Mary, University of London
Tom Wengraf, formerly Middlesex University
Barbara Wilczek, Bournemouth University
Andrew Williams, University of Exeter
Dr Steve Williams, University of Portsmouth
Dr Sherryl Wilson, University of the West of England
Professor Geoffrey Wood, University of Sheffield
Beverley Woodburn, Ruskin College, Oxford
David Wray, University of Northumbria
Caroline Wright, University of Bristol
Tessa Wright, London Metropolitan University
Aylwin Yafele, Bournemouth University
Olly Zanetti, Open University