Rast i dominacija – manjkavosti rasprave o (od)rastu
Današnji svijet uvelike je uvjetovan paradigmom rasta, ali trenutni rast ekonomije, ako i postoji, ne podrazumijeva bolji život za većinu, već njezinu prekarizaciju u ime poboljšanja ekonomskih pokazatelja. Kako je recentna povijest pokazala, ljevica nije uspjela parlamentarnim polugama pokrenuti svjetsku promjenu te kapitalizam stoga i dalje nesmetano tendira prema razvoju autoritarnih politika. U svojem izlaganju, Urlich Brand pokušava otvoriti put analizi društvenih ograničenja koja predstavljaju izazove za teoriju odrasta (degrowth) i još uvijek postojeće mogućnosti emancipatorne reartikulacije demokratskog društva koje će biti kadro zaustaviti ekološku destrukciju.
Green Academy: Tipping Points
Organized by: Institute for Political Ecology (IPE, Institut za političku ekologiju)
Module C – Degrowth / Social Limits of Growth
Location: Hotel Biševo, Komiža, Vis, Croatia
Date: 21th August 2016
Speaker: Ulrich Brand
Moderated by: Mladen Domazet (Institute for Political Ecology, Croatia)
Growth and Domination – Shortcomings of the (De-)Growth Debate
(talk from 15:45)
The growth critical debate could be more fertile if economic growth were considered more carefully in its connection with the ruling capitalist and patriarchal modes of production and living. In this way, we can understand economic growth as a social relation which is intrinsically linked to societal domination and, hence, reproduces social structures. Moreover, societal domination is the basis of unsustainable societal nature relations. After a quick overview of the debate, my argument is developed with reference to feminist and (neo-)Marxist debates as well as linking to insights from political ecology. Democracy, I conclude, is absent or merely mentioned in contributions to the growth critical debate. This is surprising, since democracy is the precondition for a society which is liberated from the compulsion of capitalist economic growth with all its implications for social dynamics and structures as well as societal nature relations.
Ulrich Brand, political scientist, university professor of International Politics at University of Vienna. Brand is focused on critical approach to political economy behind capitalist globalization, resource and environmental policy and Latin America. Since emergence of financial crisis he also got involved in research on socio-ecological transformation. From 2012 to 2014 he was head of the Institute for Political Sciences at University of Vienna.
Dijelovi predavanja prikazani su u mozaičnom pregledu programa vaninstitucionalnog političkog obrazovanja sedme epizode edukativno-mozaične emisije „Promjena okvira“, emitirane 28. listopada 2016. na TV Istra, uskoro dostupne na SkriptaTV.